Thursday, January 29, 2015

Introduction to D Family Businesses (DFB)

Welcome to D Family Businesses (DFB)

D Family Businesses was founded in December 2011 by young Myanmar Community Services Professionals returning from their assignments abroad with international organisations.  Firstly it was operational and known as D Place Consultancy Services and it expects to fulfil the needs of marginalised communities, civil society groups and NGOs and UN agencies in Myanmar.

The D Place, Consultancy

We are running a small consultancy firm providing customized trainings, organizational development, human resources management, monitoring and evaluation, community led research focusing in health sector for CSO, NGOs and UNs

We also provide Interpretation services, moderating and facilitation for meetings and events

Translation of documents and power points from English<>Myanmar, English<>Karen, English<>French, English<>Chinese

More information for our services please visit our website at and our facebook at

D Place Consultancy Services offers following consultancy services to businesses, community organisations, local NGOs, International NGOs and UN agencies:

  • Tailor-made trainings/workshops
    • advocacy techniques
    • strategic planning
    • networking
    • proposal writing
    • leadership skills
    • communications skills
    • paralegal practices
    • basic human rights, child rights, women rights
    • HIV/AIDS awareness
    • ART Treatment Literacy
    • Media Awareness Trainings
  • Events Management (Events Management is now taken care by D Pop)
    • arrange location and catering
    • invite guests, media
    • document event
  • Interpretation, Translation and Documentation Services
    • Conference/Workshop Simultaneous Interpretation
    • Conference/Workshop Consecutive Interpretation
    • Document Translation
    • Documentation
  • Business Services
    • Organisational Development Workshops
    • Human Resources: Recruitment and Selection
    • Human Resources: System Set-up, Manual Development
    • Project Management
    • Market Strategy
    • Social Media Marketing

D Pop ဆိုုတာ......?

D Pop
d pop – beyond limitation

D Pop
·       What is Pop Up Business?
·       Pop up စီးပြားေရးလုုပ္ငန္းဆိုုတာ ဘာလဲ?

o  Having a Pop Up Business is not something new!We do it often, so do our friends and loved ones.  Selling old goods, having a charity fun fair or a gallery display of contemporary fine arts, homemade products and services introduction,fundraising, or you just want an exclusive party with your close friends or company dinner for your staff party, staff team building, booking reading,press shows for movies, album introduction press shows etc which is temporary but all important to us.

o  Pop up ဆိုုတာ တကယ္ေတာ့ ဘာမွ ထူးဆန္းတဲ့ စီးပြားေရးလုုပ္ငန္းအမ်ိဳးအစားအသစ္ တစ္ခုု မဟုုတ္ပါဘူး။ ဟိုုးအရင္ကတည္းက က်ေတာ္တိုု႔ေတြ၊ က်ေတာ္တိုု႔ခ်စ္တဲ့သူေတြ၊က်ေတာ္တိုု႔ သူငယ္ခ်င္းေတြ လုုပ္ေနၾကပံုုစံမ်ိဳးပါပဲ။ အိမ္ေထာင္သံုုး ပရိေဘာဂ ပစၥည္းအေဟာင္းေတြေရာင္းတာမ်ိဳး၊ ပရဟိတ ရံပံုုေငြေစ်းေရာင္းပြဲေလးေတြ၊ အနုုပညာပစၥည္းေတြ ခင္းက်င္းျပသခ်င္တာမ်ိဳး၊အိမ္တြင္းျဖစ္ ကုုန္ပစၥည္းေတြ၊ ဝန္ေဆာင္မႈ အသစ္မိတ္ဆက္ေတြ၊ ရံပံုုေငြပြဲေတြ၊ ဒါမွမဟုုတ္ကိုုယ့္အရင္းနွီးဆံုုး သူငယ္ခ်င္းေတြနဲ႔ သီးသန္႔ ပါတီပြဲေလးက်င္းပ ခ်င္တာမ်ိဳး၊ ဝန္ထမ္းေတြအတြက္ရင္းနွီးခ်စ္ခင္မႈတိုုးတက္ေစမယ့္ ကုုမၺဏီဒင္နာေလးေတြ၊ ပြဲေလးေတြ၊ ဗီဒီယိုု ရုုပ္ရွင္မိတ္ဆက္ပြဲ၊ စာ၊ ကဗ်ာဘတ္ပြဲ၊ ေတးစီးရီးသစ္မိတ္ဆက္ေတြ စသျဖင့္ေပါ့ လုုပ္ငန္းစဥ္ေလးေတြကေတာ့အားလံုုးလိုုလိုု အခိုုက္အတန္႔ သေဘာပါ ဒါေပမယ့္ အားလံုုးကလဲ စီးပြားေရလုုပ္ငန္းေတြမွာအေရးႀကီးတဲ့ အစိတ္အပိုုင္းက ပါပါတယ္။   

o  D Pop is ready to help you with this and will offer you a place, and other services such as catering, inviting guests,distributing your leaflets, and any other services you may need.

o  ဒါေတြအားလံုုးကိုုကူညီဖိုု႔အတြက္ D Pop ကိုုဖြဲ႔စည္းထားတာျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ D Pop ကေန ဒီလိုု ပြဲငယ္မ်ိဳးေလးေတြလုုပ္ဖိုု႔အတြက္ ေနရာထိုုင္ခင္း နဲ႔ အျခားဝန္ေဆာင္မႈေတြ။ အစား အေသာက္၊ ဧည့္သည္ဖိတ္ၾကားျခင္း၊မီဒီယာေတြကိုု ဖိတ္ၾကားျခင္း၊ လက္ကမ္းစာေစာင္ ေဝေပးျခင္း စတဲ့ သင္တိုု႔လိုုအပ္တဲ့ လိုုအပ္မယ့္ဝန္ေဆာင္မႈေတြ အားလံုုးကိုု တတ္စြမ္းသမွ် ျဖည့္စည္းေပးဖိုု႔အတြက္ D Pop အဖြဲ႔ရွိပါတယ္။

o  You are welcome to talk to our professional on how you want to arrange your birthday party, annual staff party, a 3 day gallery show, fundraising of community organizations and anything you want us to help you.

o  လူႀကီးမင္းတိုု႔ရဲ႕ေမြးေန႔ပြဲေတြ၊နွစ္ပတ္လည္ ကုုမၺဏီ ပါတီေတြ၊ ဒါမွမဟုုတ္ ၃ ရက္တာ ပန္းခ်ီ လက္ရာျပပြဲေတြ၊ အနုုပညာ အခင္းအက်င္းေတြ၊လူထုုအေျချပဳအဖြဲ႔ေလးေတြအတြက္ ရံပံုုေငြ ရွာေဖြပြဲေလးေတြ နဲ႔ လူႀကီးမင္းတိုု႔ရဲ႕က လိုုအပ္ခ်က္ေတြအကုုန္လံုုးကိုု က်ေတာ္တိုု႔ D Pop ရဲ႕ ကြ်မ္းက်င္ပညာရွင္ေတြကတိုုင္ပင္မႈေတြေပးဖိုု႔အတြက္အဆင္သင့္ရွိပါတယ္။

o  Save your time, save your money and save your energy. Let us take care for you. Even the sky cannot limit your dreams and we are here to make it come true.

o  လူႀကီးမင္းတိုု႔ရဲ႕တန္ဖိုုးရွိတဲ့ အခ်ိန္ေတြ၊ ေငြေတြ၊ အင္အားေတြကိုု စီမံခန္႔ခြဲမႈ ကိစၥေသးေသး ေလးေတြနဲ႔ေခါင္းရႈပ္မခံပါနဲ႔။ D Pop က အားလံုုးကိုု တာဝန္ယူေပးပါရေစ။ တကယ္လိုု႔ ေကာင္းကင္ႀကီးကေတာင္လူႀကီးမင္းတိုု႔ရဲ႕လိုုခ်င္တဲ့၊ လုုပ္ခ်င္တဲ့ အိပ္မက္ေတြကိုု အဆီး အတား မျဖစ္ေစနိုုင္ဘူးဆိုုရင္အဲ့ဒီ အိပ္မက္ေတြကိုု အေကာင္အထည္ေဖာ္တဲ့ေနရာမွာ D Pop ကလဲ တတ္စြမ္းသေလာက္ကူညီခ်င္ပါတယ္။ 

D Pop – Beyond Limitation…
D Pop - ကန္႔သတ္ျခင္းမ်ား အလြန္…

Contact us -
Addy CHEN @ Aung Myo HTUT | Director
D Family Businesses
Tel: 09-5080052 | 09-250535322 | 09-450009116 |

Introduction to D Bistro ~ Brought to you by D Place


D Bistro
Eat . Drink . Socialize

 Coffee fans, healthy juice and smoothies’ lovers, couples, families and friends –

Thinking of a friends reunion, light family gathering, or just to sneak out from a boring workplace and sit for a coffee or drinks or just had a wonderful time atD Spa and thinking of a salad bowl with green smoothies or cocktails while having your great pedi/mani?

DBistro is the definite place for you….

·       Coffee, tea, healthy fresh fruit juice and smoothies
·       Pizza, cookies, garlic breads
·       Fried rice and noodles
·       Soups and Salads
·       Steaks and Skewers

D Family

ေကာ္ဖီခ်စ္သူေတြနဲ႔ က်န္းမာေရး အေထာက္အကူျပဳ သစ္သီးေဖ်ာ္ရည္ၾကိဳက္နွစ္သက္သူေတြ၊ ခ်စ္သူစံုုတြဲေတြ၊မိသားစုု ေတြ နွင့္ သူငယ္ခ်င္း မိတ္ေဆြေတြအတြက္…

သူငယ္ခ်င္းေတြျပန္လည္ဆံုုေတြ႔ဖိုု႔မိတ္စံုုစားပြဲေလးစဥ္းစားေနပါသလား၊ မိသားစုု ေပါ့ေပါ့ပါးပါး ထမင္းလက္စံုု စားခ်င္ပါသလားဒါမွမဟုုတ္ ပ်င္းရိျငီးေငြ႔ဖြယ္ အလုုပ္ကေန ေခတၱခဏ ေျပးထြက္ ျပီး ေကာ္ဖီစိမ့္ေလး တခြက္၊သစ္သီးေဖ်ာ္ရည္ ေအးေအးေလး တခြက္နဲ႔ အနားယူခ်င္ပါသလား၊ ဒါမွမဟုုတ္ D Spa မွာ လက္သည္းေျခသည္းျပဳျပင္ရင္း၊ အနားယူ အနွိပ္ခံရင္း အရြက္သုုပ္ေလး တပြဲ၊ ေကာ့ေတးလ္ေလးတခြက္ေလာက္ေသာက္ခ်င္စိတ္ျဖစ္လာရင္ ……..

သင့္အတြက္D Bistro က အနားယူနိုုင္တဲ့ ေနရာေကာင္းေလး တစ္ခုုပါ။
·       ေကာ္ဖီမ်ိဳးစံုု၊ လက္ဘက္ရည္အမ်ိဳးအစားစံုု၊လတ္ဆတ္တဲ့ ရာသီေပၚသစ္သီးေဖ်ာ္ရည္ေတြ နဲ႔ က်န္းမာေရး အေထာက္အကူျပဳ စမူးသီးေတြ
·       ပီဇာ၊ ၾကက္သြန္ျဖဴကပ္ ေပါင္မုုန္႔ကင္၊ကြတ္ကီးမ်ိဳးစံုု
·       ထမင္းေၾကာ္မ်ား နွင့္ ေခါက္ဆြဲမ်ား
·       ဟင္းရည္မ်ား နွင့္ အရြက္သုုပ္မ်ား
·       အသားကင္ျပားမ်ား နွင့္ ဆာေတးမ်ိဳးစံုု

D မိသားစုု

D Family မွ အသစ္တင္ဆက္မႈ...D Spa (Unisex Spa)

D Spa
a touch of magical hands – a moment of life

“ေမွာ္ဝင္လက္မ်ားရဲ႕အထိအေတြ႔- ဘဝရဲ႕အခိုုက္အတန္႔”

DSpa is opened to give you authentic spa experience by very well trained professional spa therapists. For both men and women but in separate unique chambers, D Spa with atmosphere of relax, freshness and hospitality.

ပညာရွင္အဆင့္ကြ်မ္းက်င္အနွိပ္ပညာရွင္မ်ားရဲ႕ စစ္မွန္ေသာ Spa အထိအေတြ႔ကိုု ခံစားနိုုင္ေစဖိုု႔ D Spa ကိုုဖြင့္လွစ္ေပးထားတာ ျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ D Spa မွာဆိုုရင္ သာယာျငိမ့္ေညာင္းတဲ့ဆိတ္ျငိမ္မႈ၊ အသစ္တဖန္ ျပန္လည္လန္းဆန္းေစမႈ ၊ စစ္မွန္တဲ့ ေဖာ္ေရြမႈ ေတြနဲ႔ ထူးျခားတဲ့Spa အေတြ႔အၾကံဳကိုု အမ်ိဳးသမီး မ်ားေရာ၊ အမ်ိဳးသားမ်ားပါ ကိုုယ္ပိုုင္ သီးသန္႔ခန္းေတြနဲ႔ခံစားနိုုင္မွာျဖစ္ပါတယ္။

DSpa offers
·       Thai TraditionalMassage
·       Oil Massage
·       Aromatherapy Massage
·       Facial and BodyTreatments (Scrub, Mask and Cleansing)
·       Foot Massage
·       Manicure / Pedicure
·       Personal Sauna
·       Waxing

DSpa ကေနရနိုုင္တဲ့ ဝန္ေဆာင္မႈေတြကေတာ့…
·       ထိုုင္းရိုုးရာ အနွိပ္
·       အဆင့္ျမင့္ နည္းပညာ၊ သဘာဝေအာ္ဂင္းနစ္ပစၥည္းမ်ားျဖင့္ေဖာ္စပ္ထုုတ္လုုပ္ထားေသာ အနွိပ္ဆီျဖင့္ နွိပ္နယ္ျခင္း
·       ရနံ႔ကုုထံုုး နည္းပညာျဖင့္ နွိပ္နယ္ျခင္း
·       မ်က္နွာ နွင့္ ခႏၶာကိုုယ္ ေပါင္းတင္ျခင္းကုုထံုုး(စခရပ္၊ မ်က္နွာေပါင္းတင္၊ အဆိပ္ထုုတ္၊ ေဆးေၾကာသန္႔စင္)
·       ႏြမ္းလ်ေနေသာေျခေထာက္မ်ားကိုု အေၾကာေျဖနွိပ္နယ္ျခင္း
·       လက္သည္း၊ ေျခသည္း ျပဳျပင္၊ သန္႔စင္ျခင္း
·       တကိုုယ္ေရသံုုး ေခြ်းထုုတ္ခန္း
·       ခႏၶာကိုုယ္ရွိ မလိုုအပ္ေသာ အေမႊးအမွ်င္မ်ားကိုုအဆင့္ျမင့္ဖေယာင္းနည္းပညာျဖင့္ ဖယ္ရွားျခင္း

Spa D'lax 

Spa D’lax was opened on 6thof July 2014 at No (35), ThuKha Street, MyaeNiGone, San Chaung Township to bestserve the men from head to toe for their styling to their wellbeing.

Spa D’lax services include Hair Dos, Skin care and spa treatment to relax body and mind. Internationally well-knownand recognized Wat Po School massage techniques would be used and all of thespa products were selected carefully from Thailand, Europe and Americas and areorganics.

In Yangon, there are still very limited numbers of professional spa exclusively for men. Spa D’s lax was born to offer all the men with a space to receive such styling and spa experiences.

Spa D’lax 

Spa D’lax ကိုု ေခတ္မီေသာ အမ်ိဳးသားမ်ား၏ဆံပင္ နွင့္ အသားအေရထိန္းသိမ္းမႈအတြက္ အမွတ္ (၃၅) သုုခလမ္း၊ ေျမနီကုုန္း၊ စမ္းေခ်ာင္းျမိဳ႕နယ္အတြင္း ၂၀၁၄ ခုုနွစ္ ဇူလိုုင္လ ၆ ရက္ေန႔တြင္ စတင္ဖြင့္လွစ္လိုုက္ပါသည္။

Spa D’lax ၏ ဝန္ေဆာင္မႈမ်ား

Spa D’lax ၏ ထူးျခားခ်က္မွာ နာမည္ႀကီးေသာထိုုင္းနိုုင္ငံ၊ ဥေရာပ ႏွင့္ အေမရိကမွ အရည္အေသြးျမင့္ Spa ထုုတ္ကုုန္မ်ားကိုုသာ အဓိကအသံုုးျပဳျခင္းျဖစ္ပါသည္။ နည္းပညာမ်ားအျဖစ္ ထိုုင္းနိုုင္ငံ၏ ရိုုးရာအနွိပ္ေက်ာင္းအျဖစ္နာမည္ႀကီးေသာ အျပည္ျပည္ ဆိုုင္ရာ အသိအမွတ္ျပဳ Wat Po (ဝပ္ဖိုု) နည္းပညာကိုုအသံုုးျပဳျခင္း၊ေခတ္မီသန္႔ရွင္းသပ္ရပ္ေသာ အခန္းအျပင္အဆင္မ်ား၊ ျငိမ့္ေညာင္းသာယာေသာ ေတးသံသာ နွင့္ ပတ္ဝန္းက်င္ရွိျခင္း၊ေဖာ္ေရြေသာ ဝန္ထမ္းမ်ား၏ ကြ်မ္းက်င္ေသာ ဝန္ေဆာင္မႈမ်ား ရွိျခင္းတိုု႔ျဖစ္ပါသည္။

Spa D’lax – for men

“think relax ~ think D’lax”

Spa D’lax  - for MEN
No. 35 | Thukha Street | Near Sake Taing Kya Tea House (from Ma Po Road) | Myaenigone North | San Chaung Township | Yangon | MYANMAR

Tel: 09 – 4211 44848 | 09 25339 8886 ~ 7

Spa D’lax – for men

“think relax ~ think d’lax”

Spa D’lax is specially dedicated to modern and smart guys, who are unique in fashion and care for their wonderful skin: health and grooming services are available.

With well-trained, skilled professional staff, friendliness and welcoming hospitality, Spa D’lax is offering services exclusively for men

Enjoy our boutique spa with quality essence products, utmost freshness, clean and spacious rooms, calming and soothing atmosphere with a touch of skilled professionals.

Services available…
·      Signature facial treatments
·      Rejuvenating aromatherapy massages
·      Refreshing body polish (body scrubs)
·      Signature Milk Cleansing and Milky touch treatment 
·      Repairing Body Masks
·      Relaxing Traditional Thai massage
·      Expert Body Waxing

Come visit us and have a sweet memoir for your life encounters. 

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